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JohnnySung 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

  • Apr 17 Sat 2010 22:14
  • 遺忘

四月的雨,從暗沉的空中飄落。燈打開了,也無法照亮黑夜;窗關上了,心還是被風吹得發疼。陰冷的寒意浸上心頭,不願看見鏡子裡映出自己哭紅的雙 眼,我的思緒換成憂鬱的蒼黃隨著雨絲飄飛,對你的思念,被禀冽的寒風一一刺穿,冷得刺骨,也痛得銘心……

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  • Apr 17 Sat 2010 22:14
  • 遺忘

四月的雨,從暗沉的空中飄落。燈打開了,也無法照亮黑夜;窗關上了,心還是被風吹得發疼。陰冷的寒意浸上心頭,不願看見鏡子裡映出自己哭紅的雙 眼,我的思緒換成憂鬱的蒼黃隨著雨絲飄飛,對你的思念,被禀冽的寒風一一刺穿,冷得刺骨,也痛得銘心……

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我的心枯竭成久旱龜裂的大地,渴望甘霖灑落,渴望鶯歌 燕舞,渴望溫情細語。走在夜晚的碎影裡,感受夜風搖落一樹的孤獨,在綠色的 搖曳中將我浸透,我沒有可拾掇的殘香碎玉裝點我孤寂的生命,我在我寂寞的人行道上踽踽獨行。

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花開的時候最珍貴,花落了就枯萎;錯過了花期花怪誰, 花需要人安慰。春雨潺潺的夜,一個人守著寂靜的燈光,輕輕吟唱著《落 花》,固守著一個人的思念……風起,淚隨花落下,為愛畫下了一個起點就是終點的圈圈… -題記

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JohnnySung 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

一個人坐在半島咖啡,等待著一個朋友的到來。今天的陽光很好,熱烈卻不誇張。我選了一個靠窗子的位置,因為這個地方最安靜,最適合 傾聽。朋友來了,無恙,眼神裡卻分明帶著些許的憂傷。其實我大概知道朋友約我來的目的:他和她分手了。

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朋友,我真的很需要,但不要刻意得對我說,我們是朋 友。因為朋友不是說是就是的,還有朋友是在無聲無息地做起 來的。我的生活離不開你們,我的朋友。在我低落的時候,支持我;在我最傷心的時候,安慰我; 在我迷惘的時候,鼓勵我;沒有你們,我真的不知道怎么生活。也許我太需要別人關心了吧。

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JohnnySung 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

曾經有這樣一個故事,四年前有個懵懂的小女孩遇到了一 個心思沉穩的他,相識,相知,相愛,三個月後的一天下午,突然這個男孩告訴她,今生今世他都不會結婚,無論那個女孩是誰.女孩傻傻的聽著他說完,哽咽的問他:“既然你沒有打算 結婚,你當初招惹我幹嘛,你把我當做你生活中的遊戲嗎?”男孩底著頭什麼也沒有說,女孩閉上眼睛轉身離開,她不願讓男孩看到受傷的淚。這時男孩追了來緊緊的將女孩抱在懷裡,任她在懷裡放聲 哭泣著捶打著自己。男孩也落下那顆悲傷的水珠,告訴女孩,他已經愛上了女 孩,捨不得她的離開。女孩就在他那柔柔的泣聲中心碎了。做出了那個讓自己悲傷終身的決定。停下了那離開的腳步。

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男人與女人的屬相相同,整整大了女人十二歲。男人曾經很用心的愛著這個女人,當時這個女人雖然充當 了一個很不道德的角色,但是有了這個男人對她的好,對她的疼愛,對她的關心,這個女人雖痛苦但很幸福,那是她最初接觸愛情的甜蜜與幸福!

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一直以逃避的狀態逃離愛情,是因為由始至終我害怕傷 害。從潛意識來說,我是在等待愛情,即使等不到,我也會很 心痛的微笑,我微笑,並不代表我不難過,總之到最後受傷的依舊是我。

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人生,就像一場沒有結局的夢,當我們走到半路,回首往 事、眺望明天,總會發現自己在不知不覺之中做了很多事情,又在茫然之中失去了很多。到底有所得,還是有所失,人生的那一座天坪卻已無法衡量。

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    清冷的寒夜,獨自一個人倦縮在被窩裡,想著夢境中的事卻不敢眨眼,因為我怕一不小心,眼淚就會掉一下。塵封的記憶,在夢中被喚醒。雖然那麼遙遠,卻依然刺痛了雙眼。那些片斷在腦海中閃爍著,不曾有片刻離去…… 我是個極其感性的人。所以,在感情上往往不是把自己弄得遍體鱗傷,就是選擇沉默獨自承受。身邊的繁華,成雙成對的進出,讓自己更有了一種無法融入這樣環境的感覺。是我太死板,還是我太過於冷漠,抑或是我的過於理智,而被這個社會決然拋棄。 心累,還是心痛?其實不管是累,還是痛,心,早已疲倦的無處安放!當我看著太陽打西邊落下去時,我知道,這是我對自己的殘忍。把淚鎖在心裡,讓痛,將心生生地撕裂!每一次的呼吸,似乎都痛得那麼徹底。 我一直很愛、深愛著。然,我只能靜靜感觸,無法觸及,更沒有勇氣去擁有。如一個記憶中的影子,靠著知覺,若隱若現。 對於愛情,一直都以一種隔岸觀火的姿態在遠遠觀望,不去碰觸。或許,是早已看透。愛情,只不過是生活的附屬品,有無皆可,而生活卻不允許停止半步,永遠在繼續…… 我躲在夢與季節的深處,聽花與黑夜唱盡夢魘。花瓶中的百合,昨天還盛放的那麼美麗,今天卻已近凋零,那是一種難言的淒美。但我深信,它的靈魂不會凋零,就像我的文字,永遠不會死去。如果哪天我的文字枯萎了,那是因為我失去了那份靈感,還有那份心情。 安靜地獨守一隅,看著這些顫抖的花瓣,彷彿聽到一種來自遙遠地呼喚。朋友說我:你的寂寞,是因為你的孤傲。是不是應該找一個知心的人寄託。這樣的一句話,讓我一時倍增傷感和孤寂。 又是一個週末,依然是一個人的狂歡。其實,一個人的狂歡也很不錯。比起狂歡後的失落,我更喜歡一個人的寂寞。一個人的寂寞,就是整個世界的寂寞。寂寞的人,走到哪都是寂寞。安靜地呆在一個完全屬於自己的空間,敲擊鍵盤,伴著文字,傾訴寂寞。 在孤獨寂寞相伴的時候,對生命過程裡的東西想到哪就寫到哪吧!留下文字,只為證明,在這個世界上曾經有過這樣一個人,曾經有人如此的寂寞過、孤單過! 如果說,只是為了打發時間,我身邊有的是嘻嘻哈哈消遣生活的人。但是,這不是我所喜歡的方式。正如我的文字詮釋的那樣:寂寞,是一個人的狂歡;狂歡,卻是一群人的寂寞! 多愁善感的人總是容易寂寞,而寂寞的人,常常會在不眠的深夜,用纖細的十指敲擊出感性而又寂寞的心情。也許,不只是我,所有眾生都是孤獨的,大多數時間都屬於寂寞的,只是看你經不經得起!

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Since ancient times, people said: Renyankewei. Why Center Stage Early Chinese movie star life, the most "brilliant" with the world walked out, the reason is her last words: "Renyankewei." Moreover, in reality, what are those just "coming to the fore" and innovations being "stabbed" so that those who "volunteered" young people do not go? Is also often ironic, and attacks against slander of "hide,"!

It seems that "hide," is daunting enough. No wonder people often Alas, sigh: a man how is it so difficult? Far as "hide," one,'s emotional, "annoying" in.

"Hide," is someone else's argument is that public opinion. Those who advocate justice, castigate evil, and to encourage people to up public opinion is a good "hide," which gives to encourage, inspire and power, makes a positive and progressive; and sarcastic, sarcastic Jixianduneng, scandalous public opinion, it is bad "hide," it often contusion, depression, hurt people's enthusiasm, and sometimes discouraged, lost the courage of life.

Life alive, and always want to live in a wide range of opinion among the. Hear the good "hide," Of course it is good, the problem is the face of bad "hide," How do we deal with, it is more difficult. Learn how to correctly deal with this type of "hide," is very important.

1, to cool analysis, self-examination. Many "hide," exaggeration, hearsay evidence, which differ with the facts, hear is people angry. Some have been talk of people (especially young) often becomes angry sky, and furious. In fact, angry, anxious no avail. When all kinds of "hide," such as arrows, the wind blowing, the most important thing is to learn to "quietly" to calm down and analyze all kinds of "hide," from what a result. Listen to blind all wrong, not and will not listen to is not right. "Wenguozexi", which is a virtue in life. In the "hide," in front, but also learn to "have to rectify, if any, Tsutomu" spirit, "ask ourselves" what. For example, they are not in fact there are some shortcomings, a number of problems, "people captured the queue"? Are there other ways inappropriate, hurt people's feelings? Most people's argument does not, is there a small part of the preferred? Some "hide," indeed something out of nothing, will not prejudice the past playing the blame game on, with or without lessons to learn? We often say "avoid weaknesses," cool analysis "hide," ask ourselves, is to "avoid short" of a chance.

It should also be noted that some of the requirements motivated, love the work, dare to put forward their views of young people, each in the "coming to the fore", "emerge", the always hear a kind of "demand perfection" of "hide,." Blame the wrong, a perfectionist feelings can still be understood. They asked people to higher, not all bad, right kind of "hide," more should be carefully analyzed and patiently listening to.

Second, we should made it clear that the facts straight. For those in a community belong to the people hearsay, parrot, embellished from a "hide," We should make it clear to you honorably, and strive to communicate our thinking, lifting misunderstanding, set the record straight, so that more people know the truth and understand their own . In particular, his close friends, colleagues, but also to realistically make it clear to them and ask them to assist in the analysis, helping the media to do mediation work. Sometimes, a third party came forward to help explain, clarify, are often more convincing than your own. Moreover, spectators often, they will teach you a lot of response to "hide," and "good ideas."

Everybody's coming from the mouth of "hide," Do not be afraid. Where there is no factual basis to believe the rumors, there are always "short legs", and is not long-term foothold in. The truth that the "truth", they can not simply go along with the number of people may be, because the most powerful or the facts themselves.

Third, we should adhere to principles, argue. For those really hit the framing tease of "hide," there are those subjective assumptions, fantasize, designed to "whole person", "hide," we should have the guts and courage to stick to principles, argue . To see that kind of "hide," is to undermine unity and harmony, affecting work. And this kind of "hide," to strive for, is our duty.

Argue, of course, not alone foolhardy, not to quarrel, nor is it abusive to each other, but must rely on the fact that the "truth", will depend on all the "power." To believe that most people distinguish right from wrong, we must strive for their support. At the same time, we can also reflect the situation through the organization to coordinate and solve. Despite the arguing will not be easy, but if done so, you can receive more encouragement and support.

"Hide," When fear but fear those who may not be warriors; "hide," undue fear but fear those who, it is pathetic coward. In the "hide," before adhere to the principle argue that life in the strong.

Fourth, we should open-minded, good at patience. 1:00 fails to account for some problems, we should take to heart, Fang Dexia. This means that the mind should be open more. As the saying goes: "Patience was a moment of anger, lest hundred days of worry" can "tolerance" is also very important. This is an often neglected by our young people. The past, people say: "Ninja door Miao minority, the small tolerance of small benefits, Ooshi great benefits, temporary forbearance, temporary benefits." These words in some cases is justified. Some "hide," from the mouth of those in power, he was counting on the right, and everyone believed her, but his moment in the absence of strong evidence to be clarified, desperately interpretation will not help, thus the anger, depression, thinking that from "jumping into the Yellow River is also not clear ", thus" been wronged and must go. " In fact, there is no need, do not you "wronged and go away", the "hide," would not it? Each of us must learn tolerance, patience and self-esteem, have faith, truth and facts are never distorted and hidden. "The brass bells destroyed and earthenware thunder," "slander people Gaowo, Magi nameless" something is there, "but Qupingcifu hanging sun, moon and Chu Tai Xie empty mountains," end of history will make a fair decision .

Fifth, we should calmly for continuous improvement. Deep-rooted fear the tree shaking, tree is no need to worry on shadow oblique, only slander nurturing self-reliance. Pairs of all kinds of "hide," the best answer, yes and passed direction, and hold their position, firmly push it ahead (of course, is to the right). Not a three-year, three years ... ... not a word, "Show me the facts and outcomes." We should know that family support is met with cynical facts and following the outcome! "Silent is the highest contempt." For those who fabricated the "hide," only when "gone unheeded." Mr. Lu Xun's "despite the rising wind and waves, sit back," We are although it is difficult to do, but it is after all a kind of life style, and tolerance, it should be worth learning.

"Who do not talk behind the person who said no one behind." Self-reliance who were afraid of me, and I fear people. We must put right mindset, the proper treatment of "hide,." Of blame for the encouragement, of defamation as a driving force in the secular prejudices continue to struggle, no shortage of achievements in their careers. Perhaps we really should be carefully and understand something, "go its own way, so they said go," the profound meaning of ... ...

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